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Ms Kristin and class, 2016

New Creation Preschool’s philosophy is that early childhood is a time for exploration and discovery. Experiences in these early years foster competence in young children in all areas of their lives. Our purpose is to provide an atmosphere for young children where they can grow while preparing them for Kindergarten. We not only respect children, we demonstrate our respect every time we interact with them. Respecting a child means treating even the youngest as a unique human being, not as an object. Our goal is an authentic child, one who feels secure, autonomous, and competent.

We view children as individuals and do not separate by category in conversation or practice. We believe that for children to develop a sense of belonging they must see themselves, their families and their communities represented throughout our school in books, posters, artwork, family sets, dolls, cooking utensils and environmental print in their languages.

Ms Kristin and class, 1997

HISTORY:  New Creation Preschool is a non-profit outreach of New Creation Fellowship Church, a lively Mennonite congregation of 40-60 who gather for worship, fellowship meals, congregational discernment, small groups and Sunday school.   ​At New Creation we seek to celebrate our differences as gifts and blessings – our differences in color, gender, sexual orientation, and the many other ways we are categorized by the world. You are welcome in this place as we journey together, discerning how to follow Jesus more faithfully. The preschool was founded and created by a group of people, including Kristin Neufeld Epp (current director/teacher), from New Creation Fellowship Church in 1994. In the first summer, New Creation Preschool operated as an all day childcare program known as New Creation Early Childhood Program. Starting in Fall 1995, we transitioned to a half day preschool program. We moved to Asbury Park Retirement Community in 2002 after fire destroyed our classroom at New Creation Fellowship Church. We were enriched by added intergenerational experiences with elders before moving back “home” to New Creation Fellowship Church in 2009. 

Ms Kristin online,
page from Together Apart: a preschool pandemic story

WHO WE ARE NOW:  New Creation Preschool continues to operate in the lower level of New Creation Fellowship Church. New Creation Preschool is licensed by the State of Kansas as a Preschool to care for up to 15 children 2.5 years of age and not yet enrolled in kindergarten. The choice was made to limit class size to 13 children 3-6 years of age for the 2022-2023 school year. Children attend one, two or three sessions per week. This program operates under regulations required by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Each class is guided by Ms. Kristin (lead teacher and director) and at least one additional teacher (Ms Brenda Mays). Paid and volunteer teachers are welcomed into our classroom after training, health assessments and background checks required by the State of Kansas. New Creation Preschool Serving Unit (a group of church and community members) meets to support and care for the needs of the preschool. Matters pertaining to New Creation Preschool are processed with staff members and brought to Preschool Serving Unit meetings. 

LINE OF AUTHORITY: according to K.A.R. 28-4-426 (a): There shall be a written delegation of administrative authority designating the person in charge in the facility for all hours of operation. It is the current practice of New Creation Preschool that the director/lead teacher, Kristin Neufeld Epp, is onsite during all hours of operation and is the primary person in charge of the facility.  Other facility contact information posted onsite.