displaying the completed Alphabet Projects A->R, 2023

New Creation Preschool’s program works to enhance a child’s feelings of being competent and cared for. Our play-based curriculum has influences from the Montessori, Regio-Emilia and Waldorf methods. There is a fine balance between following a schedule and independent times. All children are guided through Letter of the Week projects, art experiences, Journal prompts and Social Emotional Learning activities each week. There is a Book of the Week and accompanying songs or poems as well as additional materials and activities offered. 

our playground is available for families to use anytime

OUTDOOR PROGRAM: We spend time outside in most kinds of weather believing that a connection to nature is essential to a whole early childhood experience. We have a large outdoor area known in the community as the New Creation Memorial Park. It is enclosed by a fence with play structures, climbing logs, benches, water play, a permanent open air pavilion (installed summer 2021) and many trees. The ground cover under play structures is KDHE approved pea gravel (rather than sand or plastic) and the majority of our space is grass. The playground and shelter are fully accessible via sidewalk. We maintain compliance with all regulations according to K.A.R. 28-4-437 including:

the view from the top of our loft

INDOOR LEARNING AREAS: Our classroom is carefully arranged with areas/centers clearly defined, each housing a variety of materials. Tables and chairs are available in each area. We have a large carpeted area for “Circle Time” designated as a space for the whole class to gather. Other areas/centers include:

Cubbies: each child has an open “locker” style cubby for personal items that can also serve as their own “quiet space” if they are ever looking to retreat to their own space. Name recognition of self and peers is naturally encouraged due to labels and photos of each child. 

Block Corner: our block area houses a full set of wooden unit blocks, toy vehicles, plastic animals and a dollhouse with furniture and people in low open shelving. 

Puzzle Corner: this is a math/manipulative area that offers a variety of materials including puzzles, small blocks, Legos, games, tiles, geoboards, attribute blocks, and other hands-on materials that foster children’s thinking and problem-solving skills and support the development of the big ideas of math that are appropriate for young children

Book Corner: we have a book display shelf that contains a variety of books that children can access anytime. Books are rotated at least monthly according to children’s interest/curriculum themes. We also have a year round “Library” for children to play through the checking out and returning of books.

Project Shelf: this is a writing/drawing/creating area that provides different types of paper, writing/drawing materials (crayons, markers, pencils), stamps, stencils, alphabet charts as well as glue, scissors, stamps, paint and brushes. 

Nature Corner: this is a science area that includes magnifying glasses, scales, books and other items from the natural world (such as plants, rocks, shells, leaves, bones, etc.). 

Family Corner: this is a dramatic play area that is used most often to play “house.” There is a fully equipped play kitchen, table and chairs, dolls, dress up clothes, books, office supplies and stuffed animals.  

Loft: we set up this area to re-live and reflect the ideas and understandings of the particular curriculum focus of the class. Children use it as a place to retreat when wanting a quiet space or turn it into their store, post office, train station, doctor’s office, etc.

Sensory Play: we have a table designated as a Sculpting Table where assorted materials and tools (play dough, kinetic sand, rolling pins, play dough scissors, cutters, etc) are available. We incorporate other sensory experiences in our Tub Tables (water, sand, rice, etc.) and tools (cups, tongs, funnels, etc).

Tiny Things: we have a table that holds hundreds of tiny things for each Color of the Month. Children use their fine motor muscles in manipulating them and sorting them, gaining strength and dexterity.

Swing: we have a 2000+ pound weight bearing indoor adaptor for a variety of swings that help meet the physical/sensory needs of many children.

Alphabet Cards + dry erase markers

DAILY ROUTINE: While the order may change, here are the things we do each day:

Work Time: this is the time of day when preschoolers play and hone the skill of making choices! Teachers are available to guide activities and offer suggestions as needed. Indoors and out, some activities are always available while  others change with the themes.

Circle Time:  this is the time of day when we sit together and engage in conversation. Our Social Emotional Learning topic is introduced here with books, songs, drawings and more. We practice many of the school skills that are found in a traditional Kindergarten classroom: calendar talk, alphabet sounds/recognition, name reading, color recognition, patterning, etc. This is also the time of day when we sing songs, recite poems and act out rhymes. 

Project/Journal Time: this is the time of day when we create something. We ask that children come in clothes that they can get messy in believing it is important for there to be freedom to participate fully. We use lots of paint and lots of glue during the year!  Our curriculum includes an Alphabet Project, Guided Journal Time and extra art projects each week as well as the PROJECT SHELF that children can create from every day they come.

Snack Time: We use this time to relax, visit and try new foods in a safe way (at preschool you are allowed to smell, lick, taste and even spit out things you don’t like). We make connections to the themes of the week (“These cheerios are like the wheels from our book! We’re eating rabbit food -carrots and lettuce! The crackers are the same shape as our book! Everything is the Color of the Month! Everything starts with the Letter of the Week!…”). Families are invited to sign up to bring snack for their child’s class.

Big Body Time: this is the time of day children are invited to use their large muscles. In addition to the natural opportunities, each day there are special “Big Body” activities planned. Specifically designed for preschool aged children, examples include a variety of swings, balancing beams, wiggle boards, ride-on devices, yoga poses, etc.

Clean Up Time: this is the time of day we help put things away in the classroom and playground. We play music and remind preschoolers that we aren’t cleaning up just what we played with, but whatever our classroom and playground needs!  Child safe wipes and brooms are offered for those who like a deep cleaning experience.

Book Time: this is the time of day when we gather together to read books independently. Children have access to battery operated candles and practice the skill of taking “picture walks” through books. Children also experience teachers reading alongside them during this restful and quiet time. 

Outside Time: We spend time outside in most kinds of weather believing that a connection to nature is essential to a whole early childhood experience! You can read more about our outdoor program here.

Story Time: this is the time of day when the teacher is reading to the children. Through our stories we are able to introduce new concepts while having children experience the security of being read to. Our books are chosen based on the theme of the day and are connected to the other activities of the day. 

Snack and Story Time while the pavilion is being built, 2021

PROGRAM PLAN: Per K.A.R. 28-4-427 (c), there shall be a written program plan which includes daily learning experiences appropriate to the developmental level of the children. Experiences shall be designed to develop: Self-esteem/positive self-image, social interaction skills, self-expression/communication skills, creative expression, large/small muscle skills and intellectual growth. The program schedule shall be planned to provide a balance of active, quiet, individual and group activities.