Children busy during Work Time, 2021

ATTENDANCE: Children attend one, two or three morning sessions per week according to availability. Sign up on the Waiting List to be notified of openings.

DROP OFF/PICK UP: Preschool drop off is between 9:45-10 and pick up is between 12:10-12:15. If families arrive before 9:45, they should plan to wait outside/on the playground. Families arriving before 12:10 are welcome to join us in the classroom or playground.

You are welcome to stay in the classroom as long as you like. If you would like assistance in separating from your child (it’s quite common), let Kristin or Brenda know. We are comfortable caring for children in distress and will stay in close communication with you.

a sample of our adaptable Schedule Board

DAILY ROUTINE: While the order may change, here are the things we do each day:

Work Time: this is the time of day when preschoolers play and hone the skill of making choices! Teachers are available to guide activities and offer suggestions as needed. Indoors and out, some activities are always available while  others change with the themes.

Circle Time: this is the time of day when we sit together and engage in conversation. Our Social Emotional Learning topic is introduced here with books, songs, drawings and more. We practice many of the school skills that are found in a traditional Kindergarten classroom: calendar talk, alphabet sounds/recognition, name reading, color recognition, patterning, etc. This is also the time of day when we sing songs, play instruments, recite poems and act out fingerplays and rhymes. 

Project/Journal Time: this is the time of day when we create something. We ask that children come in clothes that they can get messy in believing it is important for there to be freedom to participate fully. We use lots of paint and lots of glue during the year!  Our curriculum includes an Alphabet Project, Guided Journal Time and extra art projects each week as well as the PROJECT SHELF that children can create from every day they come.

Snack Time: We use this time to relax, visit and try new foods in a safe way (at preschool you are allowed to smell, lick, taste and even spit out things you don’t like). We make connections to the themes of the week (“These cheerios are like the wheels from our book! We’re eating rabbit food -carrots and lettuce! The crackers are the same shape as our book! Everything is the Color of the Month! Everything starts with the Letter of the Week!…”). Families are invited to sign up to bring snack for their child’s class.

Big Body Time: this is the time of day children are invited to use their large muscles. In addition to the natural opportunities, each day there are special “Big Body” activities planned. Specifically designed for preschool aged children, examples include a variety of swings, balancing beams, wiggle boards, ride-on devices, yoga poses, etc.

Clean Up Time: this is the time of day we help put things away in the classroom and playground. We play music and remind preschoolers that we aren’t cleaning up just what we played with, but whatever our classroom and playground needs!  Child safe wipes and brooms are offered for those who like a deep cleaning experience.

Book Time: this is the time of day when we gather together to read books independently. Children have access to battery operated candles and practice the skill of taking “picture walks” through books. Children also experience teachers reading alongside them during this restful and quiet time. 

Outside Time: We spend time outside in most kinds of weather believing that a connection to nature is essential to a whole early childhood experience! You can read more about our outdoor program here.

Story Time: this is the time of day when the teacher is reading to the children. Through our stories we are able to introduce new concepts while having children experience the security of being read to. Our books are chosen based on the theme of the day and are connected to the other activities of the day.