Stopping the wind, our healthcare center, going in Ms Kristin’s office, drawing Xs and making clouds and snow: TUESDAY X WEEK

Once upon a time there was a Kansas wind so big that it blew the parachute over everyone’s heads. Along came some strong children who decided to try to stop the wind. They worked for a long time using all of their muscles. How in the world did they do it?

Read on to learn about the children stopping the wind, our healthcare center, going in Ms Kristin’s office, drawing Xs and making clouds and snow.

What did you do to stop the wind?

Held on to the parachute handles with all our might! If any children have sore arm or shoulder muscles, it might be due to spending 15-20 minutes playing “Stop The Wind.”

We also enjoyed the rest of our popcorn outside until the wind blew it away! Good thing we ate most of our snack inside today while listening to a story. Thank you, Asher for bringing “perfect” bananas and popcorn!

It’s also the time of year we finish off the crumbs and bits of leftover snacks too.

Did you play in the Healthcare Center?

We had a very busy center today with nurses, doctors, technicians and patients. They displayed wonderful bedside manner.

What color tape in at Ms Kristin’s office doorway?

Red. That means “stop…wait…get a teacher.” Today was an unusual day because children got to come in to the office while Ms Kristin was getting some supplies. Otherwise the children know that they can stand in the doorway and look but not go in.

For safety, Ms Kristin told the other teachers what was happening, left the door open and recorded the visit. FYI: the office is otherwise never used as a place for children to go.

What color Xs did you make in your journal today?

It won’t be long before the journals come home and you can see all the work your child has done this year!

Why did we add white to the earth project?

For the snow, clouds and white capped waves.

We also added lighter green and blue for more land/trees/water. We also talked about circles vs spheres in terms of the earth project vs earth planet.

Enjoy more video and photos of our day!

Thank you to another preschool teacher friend for sending us this present. It’s a wonderful book and already has had a lot of pages turned! Thank you, Ms Linda!

May you find balance today!
