Taking off the running track, new teachers, the color yellow, a forgotten snack and water play: TUESDAY Y WEEK

Once upon a time there was a running track on the floor. Children could run on it anytime they wanted to. But every year the running track is removed so the floor can get cleaned. Today was that day. What would they do with all the leftover tape?

Read on to learn about the leftover tape, new teachers, the color yellow, a forgotten snack and water play.

What did you do with the leftover tape from the running track?

Put it on the tape ball! It’s a ball made of all the tape that we’ve taken off of things.

These kids did some great HEAVY work pulling the tape off the floor.

Who were our new teachers today?

Wilmer and Asher’s mamas! They came to help since Ms Brenda was gone.

Ms Jasmine and Ms Jessica were very helpful and kind. What a treat to have them. They even did Ms Brenda’s job of helping with all the alphabet projects!

Good thing we still had Grandma Bonnie today!

What color did you use in your journal today?

Yellow! Since it starts with the letter Y, we looked at objects of different shades of yellow and then drew more things.

I also did a spontaneous reading of Llama Llama Red Pajama as they drew.

What snack did the teachers forget about since V week?

The pudding from Scarlet! She brought chocolate and vanilla pudding for V week and we forgot it. Then we forget during W week and we forgot during X week. Finally Ms Kristin remembered!

Scarlet also gave us goldfish earlier in the year, so it was a Scarlet snack day! Thank you, Scarlet!

A lot of friends helped set the table today for which we are grateful.

What was in the water tubs today?

Yellow ducks!

All the children were really mindful of our safety plans and each other.

Enjoy more video and photos of our day!

With today being the last day of April we put the purple tiny things away. Starting tomorrow, the blue things will be out!

The Healthcare Center was consolidated to a smaller corner but still very active including slow and careful rides in the cart bed.

Since our crokinole pieces have colored dots on them, it reminded me of the book Little Blue and Little Yellow so we read this during Work Time too.

Happy last day of April!
