c is for {tidy and ready preschool} classroom

well, the classroom is ready.
as it should be.
i’ll welcome the first 14 of 45 kiddos on friday.


there is fresh chalkboard paint almost everywhere you look.  so fun.
(that is a post in and of itself…to come)



i made a new cozy corner.
{and when we had open house noticed that i better pad that pole.}




i finally cleaned out our drying rack
so we can use it as a drying rack (instead of storage).



and, glory be, finally turned our books into a rainbow.



the mailboxes have arrows reminding families to look under the names.


our science display case is now a chunk of nature drawers.  
inspired by the local museum.


we have a new preschool tshirt design in honor of our clean up song
(thanks to mr rob AKA new music friday man).

and i think it fits:  
with 45 preschoolers,
new teacher helpers (3 of them new)…
we will be



16 thoughts on “c is for {tidy and ready preschool} classroom

  1. Wow!!! I love the new setting of the classrooms. My favourite spot will be the science shelf and of course the rainbow library! And wow! 45 students! Yes, you all will be hard workers :) and i am sure you will have fun. Can’t wait to read about the new academic year. Have a great new semester, you all! :)

  2. The rainbow books were my favorite! My eyes kept getting drawn to them…Have a extra special fabulous year!

  3. Congratulations! We’re ready too..parent orientation was tonight, “meet the teachers” is Friday, then school starts for real on Tuesday–can’t wait!

  4. well, it’s all from community playthings…beautiful stuff.

    we had a fire in 2002 and were able to replace all our pieced-together furniture with this amazing furniture. (i always give credit to that, because we could never afford it now!)

    really, maybe it’s just the $3 fabric piece and $2 mum that makes it so cute?

    thanks for writing.
